Family relationships are often described as a baby mobile—each piece interconnected, constantly influencing and adjusting to the others. When one piece shifts, the entire system seeks balance, known as homeostasis. While this interconnectedness can be a source of strength, it can also perpetuate unhealthy patterns or amplify toxic behaviors. Recognizing these dynamics and responding healthily […]
Author: Andrea Lauritzen
Mistakes are a natural part of life. Yet, many of us treat them as proof of failure, something to hide or feel ashamed about. What if we flipped the script? What if we saw mistakes not as setbacks, but as vital stepping stones that shape us, teach us, and lead us to where we need
Turning Mistakes into Milestones: Embracing Imperfection Through Perspective-TakingRead More »
Life’s challenges often leave us feeling broken. Whether it’s the pain of abuse, the trauma of divorce, or the weight of mental illness, these experiences can strip away our sense of wholeness and control. But what if brokenness isn’t the end? What if, instead, it’s an opportunity for growth, healing, and a new perspective? Perspective-taking—the
Seeing the Beauty in Brokenness: How Perspective-Taking Transforms ChallengesRead More »
We all experience stressful moments, and times of upheaval in our lives. Our natural responses to these instances are, to a great extent, based on our previous life experiences, our beliefs, and our personalities. In other words, we are likely to respond differently to stress than someone else, even someone in our own family. Some
Boiling Points: Will Adversity Harden or Soften You?Read More »
Seasonal changes, particularly the shift into colder, darker months, can significantly impact our mental health. This phenomenon, often referred to as Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) or seasonal depression, is more than just the “winter blues.” It’s a real, diagnosable condition that can affect your energy, mood, and overall well-being. Additionally, unpredictable weather patterns due to
Seasonal Depression: How Changing Weather Impacts Mental Health and Tips to CopeRead More »
How do you handle when someone else wins or gets something YOU want? What are the challenges faced in life and how do you face them with fortitude and perseverance? When life gives you struggles, how can you build resilience instead of resistance? There are so many hard things we face in life, from childhood
Rising Above Challenges: The Parable of the DiversRead More »
Years ago, I watched a video of a toddler climbing a 4’ climbing wall. She couldn’t have been more than 2 years old. She was free-climbing without a harness. I was amazed that she often stepped BACK to move forward. We may believe we must keep moving forward in one direction, no matter how difficult
Climb Smarter, Not Harder: 4 Tips for Navigating Life’s MountainsRead More »
Many of us carry the weight of past traumas, life’s hurts, unkind words spoken by or to us, angst against others for their behaviors, and many festering emotions. These weights are like rocks in a backpack which we carry around at all times. How many of those ‘rocks’ belong to us, and how many belong
Managing Life’s Burdens: 6 Tips to Unpack Your Emotional BackpackRead More »
Life is all about choices and the natural consequences we receive from our choices. Helping children and others understand this can lead to increased accountability and learning, gaining more responsibility for the outcomes of our choices – whether we like the outcomes or not. Much of our world seems to believe and engage in the
The Whirlpool Analogy: Teaching Choices & AccountabilityRead More »
In 2021, Michael A. Dunn shared the following story about how choosing to improve incrementally over time increases outcomes astronomically. Rather than making huge changes to our lives or habits and behaviors, and failing because it’s often too difficult to achieve if we choose to make small changes in needed areas over time, we find
The Power of Incremental Improvement: How 1% Gains Lead to Extraordinary SuccessRead More »
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