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When children respond with resistance, violence, or anger parents may see this as a child with rebellious tendencies, or one who is disobedient. When in reality, often these responses of resistance are based in biological responses due to anxiety, fear, or worry. Especially with kids who have a tendency towards anxiety, we will see many

Understanding Rebellion and Resistance: Recognizing Fear and Anxiety as Root Causes in Your Child’s BehaviorRead More »

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Anxiety can be challenging and debilitating for many in today’s society. Being able to understand how one’s brain is wired, how we respond and to what, and how to effectively manage anxiety symptoms can greatly eliminate the negative impacts of anxiety over time. Anxiety is a diagnosable mental health issue. It is NOT a choice.

Understanding & Treating Anxiety: Natural Approaches for a Balanced MindRead More »

By Támara Hill, MS, NCC, CCTP, LPCLast updated: 24 Jul 2018~ 7 MIN READ To link to the original site of the article about the misconceptions of childhood trauma Click Here What is trauma? How would you describe it? If I were to quiz you on trauma would you know how to define it? You might say

Traumatic Experience: 8 Misconceptions of Childhood TraumaRead More »