Tripwire = the process wherein a pre-set response is triggered by an event, person, place, smell, etc. and which sets off an AUTOMATIC chain reaction. For most of us, we are fairly unaware of the tripwires which set off our emotional responses, fears, anxieties, anger, or emotional meltdowns. That is because these responses are automatic,

Understanding and Managing Emotional Tripwires: How to Defuse Automatic ResponsesRead More »

Divorce or separation can be an incredibly challenging and emotional experience. Here are six tips to help you recuperate and move forward: 1. Allow Yourself to Grieve Why It’s Important: Divorce (or separation) is a significant loss, and it’s natural to grieve. Ignoring your emotions can lead to long-term emotional issues. Taking a break from

Six Essential Tips for Post-Divorce Recovery: Navigating Emotions and Moving ForwardRead More »

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“Self-love means having a positive regard for our own wellbeing and happiness. When we adopt an attitude of self-love, we have higher levels of self-esteem, we’re less critical and harsh with ourselves when we make mistakes, and we’re able to celebrate our positive qualities AND accept our negative ones.” – PsychCentral – Learn to Love

Embracing a Healthier and More Joyful Life: A Journey to Self-Love and Personal GrowthRead More »

Stress, the silent disruptor of our well-being, is intricately woven into the fabric of modern life. It lurks in the shadows of our daily routines, often going unnoticed until it surfaces as a myriad of health issues. Understanding and managing stress is a luxury and a necessity for maintaining harmony in our lives. This article

Harmonizing Your Existence: Simple Strategies for Stress Identification and ManagementRead More »

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Anxiety can be challenging and debilitating for many in today’s society. Being able to understand how one’s brain is wired, how we respond and to what, and how to effectively manage anxiety symptoms can greatly eliminate the negative impacts of anxiety over time. Anxiety is a diagnosable mental health issue. It is NOT a choice.

Understanding & Treating Anxiety: Natural Approaches for a Balanced MindRead More »

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The first step in being able to regulate (i.e. calm or manage) emotions is to recognize when our emotions are DIS-regulated, or out of sorts. This might mean we are in fight/flight/freeze mode, that we are upset, or are unable to calm down easily due to a lack of skills or biological factors. Nevertheless, we

Mastering Emotional Regulation: 4 Proven Strategies to Manage Overwhelming EmotionsRead More »

We all experience some trauma in our life. It comes with the body, with being human and mortal. However, some traumas can leave lasting imprints which change the course of our views, and our lives. Nevertheless, we are not doomed to despair. We can overcome the negative impacts of those experiences. “ORLANDO, Fla. (Ivanhoe Newswire)

Overcoming Childhood TraumaRead More »