Divorce or separation can be an incredibly challenging and emotional experience. Here are six tips to help you recuperate and move forward: 1. Allow Yourself to Grieve Why It’s Important: Divorce (or separation) is a significant loss, and it’s natural to grieve. Ignoring your emotions can lead to long-term emotional issues. Taking a break from […]

“Self-love means having a high regard for your own well-being and happiness. Self-love means taking care of your own needs and not sacrificing your well-being to please others. Self-love means not settling for less than you deserve.” Following, are five ways to embrace self-love and personal compassion. As you strive to engage in these behaviors,

Discover 5 Steps to Self-Love & Compassion: Transform Your Life Today!Read More »

Our systems, like plants, need certain elements to thrive. When deprived of necessary connection, engagement, and growth, we may suffer disease and dysfunction over time. Healing can occur through proper support, safety, and soothing self-care. The following elements can lead to healthier outcomes over time. Light Shines Away the Darkness We each physically need light

The Healing Garden: Cultivating Wellness through Essential ElementsRead More »


Being able to look at life from a different point of view, seeing things from different vantage points and understanding your history differently are important aspects of healing and moving forward in a healthier manner. Have you ever heard the phrase, “you can’t see the forest for the trees”? This basically means that from your

Seeing Beyond the Trees: How Perspective Shapes Healing and UnderstandingRead More »

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Anxiety can be challenging and debilitating for many in today’s society. Being able to understand how one’s brain is wired, how we respond and to what, and how to effectively manage anxiety symptoms can greatly eliminate the negative impacts of anxiety over time. Anxiety is a diagnosable mental health issue. It is NOT a choice.

Understanding & Treating Anxiety: Natural Approaches for a Balanced MindRead More »