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From Clutter to Clarity: The Transformative Benefits of Cleaning and Decluttering

If you’ve ever moved, after living somewhere for a while, you soon realize how quickly we tend to collect more “stuff” than we imagined possible. Yet, doesn’t it feel good to deep clean and declutter your space and start fresh in a new one? We can also accomplish this deep clean and fresh start by engaging in an age-old tradition of spring cleaning (any time of year). This process can be a cleaning of our physical spaces or a clearing of our energetic spaces.

Where does spring cleaning come from?

Spring cleaning dates back to the liberation of the Israelites from Egypt and the celebration of Passover; Buddhist purification rituals to wash away bad thoughts and behaviors and purify their homes and temples; and Persian culture some 3,000 years ago wherein they would “shake the house” to sweep away dust and remove clutter from their homes to prevent ill-fortune in the upcoming year. Yogic tradition also looks at purity in thought, word, environment, body, and deed and relates to keeping boundaries for a non-distracting environment and practice. The oriental practice of Feng Shui deals with how our space affects various aspects of our health/body and our lives.

What are the benefits of cleaning and clearing our spaces?

As winter ends, our bodies produce less melatonin, the hormone that induces sleepiness. This reduction in melatonin levels results in an increase in energy, which we can utilize for decluttering and removing old, unnecessary items or energies, thereby making room for new beginnings. We may naturally want to open doors and windows, even in our mental/emotional realm, to let in light and fresh air or new perspectives on our history or experiences. Spring cleaning can reduce stress, improve our mood, and increase creativity and productivity by lessening the overstimulation of our senses. Having an organized and clean living space reduces stress and wasted time because we can find what we need, know what we have, and feel comfortable in our living space. Deep cleaning can also be a form of exercise that produces endorphins that reduce stress and anxiety. Studies show that “every hour of cleaning is associated with a 53% boost in overall happiness.” Who doesn’t want that?!

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Feng Shui talks about the nine areas in your home: Wealth, Fame, Partnership/love, Family, TaiChi, Children, Knowledge, Career, and Helpful People. The theory is if clutter exists in any of these areas of your home, it blocks the corresponding energy in your related life area. For example, if the Wealth area is filled with clutter, it can block the energy for creating wealth, abundance, and prosperity. By decluttering the Wealth area of your home, you may open up the possibility for abundance in all the areas of your life. It’s all connected.

Open up opportunities by letting go of things that hold you back

There can be many things in our physical space that we have emotional attachments to. Which of those things can we let go of at this time? By letting go of these unnecessary items, we can create space for new things and relationships that bring us more joy and move us forward through life instead of holding us in the past. By decluttering and organizing, having a place for everything, we mentally feel better, and it’s easier to locate items when needed rather than searching and being frustrated at not finding them but knowing it’s there…somewhere…in all the clutter.

More benefits of cleaning and decluttering

Many opportunities exist to rehome our items, such as selling them, donating them, or giving them to someone in need. Who could benefit from the items that no longer have a purpose in our home or space? What do we NOT have room for in our lives because our spaces are filled with unnecessary clutter or useless resentment, anger, or hurt that no longer serves a purpose? By letting go of these old emotions, we make room for new ones to blossom and for our lives to be filled with more joy, hope, and connection.

What possibilities are out there, waiting for us to make room for them to be received?